The Waves-in-Ice Module (WIM) module is a way to propagate waves through the ice pack in CICE6, such that preliminary runs can be completed using CICE's new FSD routine. This module is from the code used in Bennetts et al. (2017) (, although some modifications have been made to make it compatible with the latest version of CICE. It was decided that CICE's ice breakup routine (Roach et al., 2018; Horvat et al., 2015 check!!) would be used within this model to keep comparisons as simple as possible.
The code primarily aims to achieve:
Attenuation is computed as per the observation of Meylan et al. (2014) currently, there is the code in place to implement the attenuation model presented in Williams et al. (2013a,2013b), but this has not been tested within CICE6 yet.
*** DIAGRAM of WIM and CICE interactions ****
The code is initiated within ice_step_mod
, in the subroutine step_therm2